2019년에 고이유찬장학금을 만들어 2명의 장학생에게 총 $5,000을 기부했던 이유찬 (64년) 동문의 아들 James Rhee가 “Red Helicopter” 라는 책을 출간했다.
James Rhee는 다음과 같은 편지를 보내왔다.
On April 9, my book, “red helicopter” (https://www.redhelicopter.com/thebook) will be released by HarperOne, a division of Harper Collins. The book is about my dad and mom, and the entire generation of immigrants from that time period. It’s also about how their children (in this case, me) discovered their Korean identity and then used it to find success in this country (there is a TED Talk https://www.redhelicopter.com/media2). You can find an original piece of music on this same website on Immerse, which is a blend of Arirang and Amazing Grace. AND, there is a prominent Korean publisher who is translating the book into Korean for Korea!! I am communicating directly with SNU in Seoul.