Green Project (GP) was launched in 2001 as an effort to share common interest in our career and beyond (living in US and realizing our dreams) among younger members of the SNUCMAA in US (See home page for the GP definitions) and support the young members in transition from Korea to establish their career tracks in US healthcare system any way possible.
Green Project Committee firmly believe that we have a lot in common and can offer invaluable opportunity of networking and support to each other via well-structured GP activities.
During the past several years we have started several activities under the Green Project (go to Meeting Report section for detail) to recruit young members and empower them to participate in future activities of the SNUCMAA in US. Web committee hopes this section can help Green Project members with improved networking among younger members, get support from the established alumni in the career development in US, engage more women alumni, support Medical Student Electives/Career advice for studying in US, etc. Please provide your comment, recommendation, request for posting, etc. through website e-mail address [email protected]